Sunday, March 8, 2009

enterovirus triggers diabetes

A common gastric virus may trigger diabetes, scientists have found, raising hopes that a vaccine can be developed.

Two separate teams of British researchers found strong evidence that enterovirus infection can trigger the immune reaction which leads to insulin-dependent diabetes. There was also a suggestion that viral infection may be involved in Type 2 diabetes, although how is not clear.

The virus family, which includes more than 100 different strains, can cause vomiting and diarrhoea but often produces no symptoms. By attacking insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, it is thought the viruses set off an immune response which spins out of control, leading to Type 1 diabetes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the whole enterovirus issue needs to be looked into further as so many with ME/CFS have the illness kick started by an enterovirus. Seems that a fair old number of ME/CFS patients go on to develop type 2 diabetes as well.

Hope you are doing better Dr Speedy it's lovely to have you back.


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