Friday, February 11, 2011

Hedgehog sex and other mating mysteries

Kat Austen, CultureLab editor, 11 February 2011:

I entered a dimly lit room draped with black gauze curtains, and was greeted by one word writ large on the wall in red fluorescent tubing: Sex.

No, I wasn't in some seedy boudoir - I was in a large gallery space at the Natural History Museum in London.

With their new temporary exhibition, Sexual Nature, the Natural History Museum will show you everything you ever wanted to know about sex - be it in plants, animals, birds or humans.

Answering questions from why we have sex (probably to maintain genetic diversity) to why some species don't (asexual reproduction is twice as efficient), the exhibition guides you through the wondrous ways in which creatures of all kinds get down and dirty. Read more>>

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