Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lynn Gilderdale's autopsy showed 'dorsal root ganglionitis' - infected nerve roots, just like Sophia Mirza's

Source Hil Patten:

from Kay Gilderdale's 'One Last Goodbye'

"When her body was examined by the pathologist who specialised in M.E., he discovered 'dorsal root ganglionitis' - infected nerve roots - and nodules of Nageotte, which are liitle tombs of dead cells, in her spinal cord.

These would have c...aused her terrible pain and sensory nerve damage.

They found similar cells in the body of Sophia Mirza, an M.E. sufferer who died in 2005 at the age of 32,and I believe also in other sufferers."


sharon said...

Thanks Dr. This isn't enough proof that these girls were terribly ill and in insane amounts of pain?
They (weasel, white, et al) should be imprisoned for these two young women's deaths. WE - THE ME/CFS I'LL will make weasel etc pay with prison for the atrocities they have committed for whatever their reasons. Enraged me about these two young girls living in a personal HELL.

Anonymous said...

The book, which details this incredibly ill young woman's abuse and torture at the hands of many doctors and nurses, especially those in the residential 'CFS' clinics, is harrowing to read.

What a loving mother to care for her child so well and to dedicatedly help her to the very end of her life.

The medical profession should hang its head in shame. Profoundly ill M.E. patients are still being tortured. I am in touch with a young woman who was forced to crawl on her hands and knees for her food in hospital, by staff who did not believe she was physically ill, after being coerced into 'treatment' on a psychiatric ward that left her much more ill than she started.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Dr Speedy,

Now that we have proof that people with severe ME have been shown to have an infected spinal cord at autopsy- that's all well and good that we can say WHAT was wrong with their bodies. I'm more curious though as to whether there is any available treatment that can alleviate the suffering of such people (whether via NHS or private or available abroad).

Let's say we rewind things a few years back and these women were to have the benefit of hindsight in knowing what was going wrong with their bodies- what would've been their options to make their lives better? Are there any treatment options out there at all?

I guess I should count myself lucky in that by the time my symptoms became severe, I found out I have Lyme Disease and Bartonella Hensalae and have benefitted from (private) treatment- though I still have a veeery long way to go before I can really say I'm better. I feel for those who fall through the cracks and get left behind without treatment options or basic support.



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