Friday, January 14, 2011

Find out more about XMRV on Monday, Jan. 17

By Leilani Clark:

"If you've been sick for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, and you've been to all kind of doctors and you can't seem to get well, these people are desperate to find what might be the key to helping them," says Tom Klaber. "For some of them, XMRV could be just the thing."

Klaber, a principal at Santa Rosa consulting company Bridge Medicine & Health, has been instrumental in bringing Dr. Judy Mikovits to Sonoma County.


Klaber encourages anyone suffering from chronic or debilitating illness to attend the public talk. "Significant numbers of people have chronic illness and just can't feel happy," he says. "XMRV is obviously playing a role for many of these people."

Find out more about XMRV when Dr. Judy Mikovits speaks on Monday, Jan. 17, at the Friedman Center. 4676 Mayette Ave. 2pm. Free. 707.396.5835. Read more>>

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