Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The critical question which remains is not simply whether gammaretroviruses play a role in CFS or cancer but in how many other human diseases?

Dr. Judy A Mikovits
Director of Research, Whittemore Peterson Institute:

In summary, human retroviruses are not known to infect individuals according to
their sex or age therefore there can be no excuse as to why it would be acceptable to
study the viruses in cancer but not in those with infectious neuro-immune diseases.
They create lifelong infection in their hosts by integrating into the genome of their
victims. Thirty years of murine gammaretroviral research provide compelling evidence
that these viruses cause immune deficiencies, neurological disease and cancer in
mammals and are therefore possible contributors to human neuro-immune diseases
such as CFS. However, good scientific work is difficult and takes time. These ongoing
studies deserve to receive a fair and impartial evaluation in the peer-review process. The critical question which remains is not simply whether gammaretroviruses play a role in CFS or cancer but in how many other human diseases? Therefore, we feel this is an extremely premature action which is not in the best interest of the scientific community or human health and again we respectfully request that you allow the scientific process to run its course unhindered by bias.

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