Wednesday, May 11, 2011

False Lightning Process claims on the Lorraine Show

By MG:

The show aired on 11th May 2011 at 8.44am - Here is my complaint - copy it if you wish.

I would like to complain about the Lorraine Show shown this morning,11th May 2011. A segment on the show promoted something called the Lightning Process. Statements were made by Dr Hiliary that the product had 85% positive outcomes and that it was “remarkable.”

However those claims are unsubstantiated and in fact Trading Standards have issued an opinion that they are criminally illegal under Consumer Protection Regulations 2008. The opinion can be sent if desired.

I find it disgraceful that a TV programme is breaching the ASA codes and Trading Standards opinion to promote this product and putting the public at risk.

Therefore I believe that rules and codes of OFCOM regarding section 5, due accuracy, must be upheld and the Lorraine show should be told to broadcast the truth that the LP is under Criminal Investigation for false claims.

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