Friday, July 30, 2010

Panorama ME Investigation Campaign

The Petition

"For clarity, this document uses ME in reference to the disease Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis, CFS in reference to idiopathic chronic fatigue,
and CFS/ME when referring to the attempts by psychiatrists to merge the two and redefine Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as a somatoform disorder (i.e. a psychiatric condition).

We, the undersigned, request that the Panorama Team conduct an
investigation into the conduct of the Department of Health, Medical
Research Council and National Institute for Clinical Excellence with regards to the diagnosis, treatment and research of the neuro-immune disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)1 - the disease that affected the late Lynn Gilderdale.2

Why has the Department of Health allowed psychiatrists to dismiss a
seriously debilitating,3 potentially fatal disease as so called “chronic fatigue syndrome”?"

1 comment:

margaret laverick said...

Public awareness of the misstreatment of people with ME/CFS is very important. It must be more cost effective to fund research into the cause of this disease than to continue to fob patients off with management techniques. There has long been evidence of viral infection and it is disgraceful that research is still not being funded.


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