By Lannie in the Lymelight:
A family study with multiple Neuroimmune Diseases.
In each of the 6 clusters, the top 2 are the parents with the children underneath them. LIGHT BLUE = FIBROMYALGIA, DARK BLUE = CFS, GREEN = AUTISM. Under each shape is their XMRV result. V= virus found in culture, Av = antibody test, NT=not tested
Family 1, upper left corner – One parent XMRV + for virus by culture and XMRV + for antibody, one parent XMRV + for the antibody. Neither parent symptomatic. Child with Autism, XMRV + for the virus.
Family 2, top row, middle – One parent with CFS and XMRV+ for antibody. Two children with Autism; one XMRV+ for virus by culture, one XMRV+ by antibody.
Family 3, upper right corner – One parent with CFS and XMRV+ for virus by culture. Child with Autism, XMRV+ for virus by culture.
Family 4, bottom left corner – One parent with CFS and XMRV + for virus by culture. Two children with Autism, both XMRV+ for virus by culture.
Family 5, bottom row, middle – One parent with CFS, Fibromyalgia and XMRV+ by antivody. Child with Autism, XMRV+ for virus by culture and by antibody.
Family 6, bottom right corner – One parent with CFS and XMRV+ by antibody. Child with Autism, not tested for XMRV.
my father had and I have an autoimmune disorder (AS) and my child has autism. I have always thought there must be a link between them. We all have disruption to our digestive systems as a result of the disorders.
MUST read: :Gut And Psychology Syndrome" by Neurosurgeon Dr Natasha Cambell-McBride. There is such a thing as the Abdominal Brain, if this system is damaged it compromises the "blood-Brain barrier. So the reverse may be true: a bad digestive system accounts for autism/neurological disorders. She completely reversed her own son's autism, and 100's of her patients with her diet, in the UK (that's why we don't hear about it ).
But this is not new...orthomolecular medicine, also practiced in UK and at one time in US was reversing schizophrenia with targetted nutrition, as well as a nurse in the US who took in released mental patients, and treated them with nutition and intestinal cleansing
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