Over the last few months I have written quite a few blogs as part of the Cool Blogging Therapy and I’ve suggested that Professor C.B.T. should go to the Middle East as he is also a war zone specialist or was it that he has never been to one yet he has declared himself to be the Top Dog on the subject??
Silly thing that brain foggy as I can’t remember but at the time it seemed like a good idea to send him there, but as we all know there is still a war going on out there so his CBT has proved useless there as well.
While lying in bed for the last few years I have been thinking and I have come up with a similar plan that has earned professor CBT millions and the reputation of knowing something about a disease he would not recognise if his own wife, children or relatives would go down with it let alone if he would get it himself.
It would be a very interesting proposition to see professor CBT treating himself with CBT because all his articles have been utterly useless and so far beside the point that he then needs CBT to deal with that and come to terms with the fact that he has been telling bogies all his life. And dumping people into swimming pools for that matter.
I have just acquired SKEWED as advised by a friend of mine and it is gob smacking and scary at the same time how accurate Martin Walker describes the process of turning horrible diseases into little more than pigments of the imagination or in the case of Ean Proctor and other children, you completely deny that ME can happen in children, then you blame the parents, and then you take the chid away as a judge will believe a psychiatrist in fear of being send to GETanomo himself….
I can now also proudly announce that I am able to know what professor CBT means when he talks psycho limbo.
When he is talking about false illness beliefs you see we have been wrong about the meaning of that all the time. What he means is that he is wrong and has the wrong idea, it is his way of apologising……
It is the same with the exercise phobia, he is worried that searching the internet and having a look at the Canadian guidelines and also those by Dr Stein for psychiatrists will make him even more of a malingering professor than he already is, so he has put them aside as he is just scared off them.
It is the same about blaming the parents if a child gets ME, you see, in reality he is blaming his own parents for some wrong doing, it is that simple.
And even when he is talking about we are al tired at times, what he means is he is tired of listening to his own porkpies but in the psycho political arena you project that onto your patients, it is that simple.
And what else is he proclaiming???
Oh yes, secondary gains, and again that is so simple I am ashamed it took me so long to realise. He is talking about the ELEVEN MILLION and more as his secondary gains for picking his nose and selling bogies to the world. Yes, a lot of money for bogies, but they are special and come from the nose of a malingering psychiatrist, so they are almost priceless, that is they are worth nothing to a normal person but if you are into denial you like bogies apparently.
And then there are the primary gains, well for us there are none, just like with the so called secondary ones but for the professor there are loads. People pay him to fly around the world to come and tell more fairytales than even the GRIMM brothers would have even imagined that you could come up with and they are so full of nonsense that people listen in astonishment, after all he is a malingering professor and how often do you get the chance to see one in the wild????
And now you also know why the BBC therapist also known as CAPTAIN SLOW or James May is letting his hair grow, it is a natural way of having ear defenders on all the time so he doesn’t hear the professor talk utter nonsense…..
And then there is deconditioning, a modern day version of a shampoo but if you call it a conditioner it sounds more sophisticated and you can tell people that you first need the shampoo and then to sort out the mess created by the shampoo you need a conditioner. A bit like creating a stinking mess with GET and then needing CBT because you have gone from walking with problems to being bedbound……
Now if you think about deconditioning we have so far believed that the GOBSART Brigade and professor CBT mean lazy buggers when they use this word but again that is so silly of us.
You see, a medical disease is also called a medical condition, and we all know that ME is just that. And by deconditioning the professor actually means that we try everything to GET rid of our condition. Yes you finally got it; he is just saying we do our utmost to get rid of this Fukuda ME.
We try monopoly and homeopathy and alcohol and water with a memory, we try the most horrific diets from whoever says they work to GET rid of this silly life thrashing disease, we try Chinese chopsticks and we would even contemplate using depleted uranium if that would help as it is completely harmless but rock solid, a bit like a northern rock.
We try minerals, vitamins and we even eat Candida or avoid it whatever someone tells us too, but all of it is utterly useless. We swallow fish oil as some say that helps for the pain but apart from increasing the pension fund of a manufacturer it doesn’t do anything for ME pain just like Ibuprofen which looks like smarties and are just as effective as smarties.
Many of us even try CeeBeeTea. First we talk to a Gobsart fellow or supporter who is wearing a scarf and shirt with the name of professor CBT on it as if he was David Beckham or another famous footballer.
When that doesn’t work we snort it, cook it and make CeeButter and put it on our sandwiches as if it was peanut butter but even that doesn’t work, I have even made CeeBeeTea and drank that three times a day but apart from turning me into a malingering sod, it didn’t do anything.
A friend of mine suggested using the articles written by the professor in the only suitable way, yes you guessed it, he used them to roll our own cigarettes with the dried CeeBeeTea leaves in them so we could smoke them but apart from almost alarming the CIA that there was a terrorist attack pending it was useless again. Fortunately ET saw our smoke signals and came down from outer space to our rescue.
In other words, when it comes to subject matter I have plumbed the bottom of the barrel and then kept right on going and I am now one of the big contenders for the Mr Superglue crown. But I know that I won’t win that contest as I will be back to a normal form of life at some stage. It is that simple.
Now if you would like to have in inside look into the mind of malingering psychiatrists and how they malinger the world into false beliefs and make the lives of people with difficult diseases unbearable than look no further than Skewed by Martin Walker.
Here is what a reviewer, named Robert Allen wrote about it :
“The chemical industry and its apologists, which include the academic and medical professions, has, in the words of Martin J. Walker, a way of stifling science with cynicism, lies and revisionism.
Newsome and Lonsdale were lucky. The medical profession chose to dismiss them. In different circumstances they might have found themselves "sectioned" and carted off to a mental institution. The stuff of spy thrillers surely. No, the stuff of reality, because you see Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, ME and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity do not exist. They are the figment of tortured imaginations.
According to Walker, "Those who propose the view that these illnesses have a psychological origin, really mean just that - these illnesses and all their manifestations are produced by a disturbance of mental processes, an aspect of mental ill health".
The fact that science has known for a long time that chemically induced illnesses are a consequence of industry and its processes is really not the issue, that issue is liability - who pays? For the majority of the 20th century it was the sufferers of chemical induced illnesses who paid while the chemical industry, the medical profession and the insurance companies carefully and cleverly invented the Big Lie, because they and those who used industrial products, including the militaries of the world, did not want to pay.
This is the essence of Martin Walker's book. Sadly, the history of the collusion between the chemical industry and the medical and insurance professions is not in the public domain. Walker is among a small group of people who have struggled to reveal the cynicism, lies and revisionism, and to give hope to people, including those who have been wrongly accused. This is the real essence of his book, the simple fact that people like Newsome and Lonsdale were not crazy in the head, that their studies based on anecdotal evidence were true, and that chemically induced illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, ME and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity not only exist, they are harming people.
Skewed is an essential text that needs to be available to everyone who goes to college with the ideal in their head that they want to work in the chemical industry or practice medicine. It also needs to be in every major bookstore, and the author needs to appear on tv, radio and in print telling his story. For too long industry and its apologists have dominated the media with their cynicism and their lies.”
Now I was thinking about the story Martin Walker started his book with, it is about Ean Proctor, and the appalling way he was treated by so called medical professionals.
The following is not from his book but gives you a good idea of what went on. Just have read but make sure you hold on to something before you start to read.
“The damaging power of the psychiatrists that has no basis in any credible science has grown exponentially down these years to become a global epidemic. Psychiatry is the one branch of medicine that never has to prove its case and yet is permitted to wreak havoc on the lives of those that it most unjustifiably targets.
We give you as but one example, the case of what was done to young Ean Procter as recounted by his Mum that is a matter of public record on the Isle of Man and everywhere else.
This semi-paralysed eleven year old ME/CFS labelled child was deliberately thrown into a swimming pool by the psychiatrists with no floating aids to see if he would sink or swim, to ascertain whether his paralysis was genuine or not.
This is what these psychiatrists do to children in their atrocious financial championing of 'somatoform disorders'. Ean sank and had to be rescued from the bottom of the pool. These people nearly killed this child in an attempt to try to prove their risible 'somatoform disorders' point. This is what the psychiatrists do to ME/CFS labelled children in Britain, whether their parents approve or not. The cases are legion and still occurring today in one form or another right around the world as I write this to you now.” >>>>> CLICK here for more …..Or if you would want it more arguments and info,
>>>>> CLICK here for more as presented on the Hummingbird ME site…..
Now I just got an email from someone about a 62 year old locum GP who was struck off as he had sex in his surgery with a patient who wanted to have sex with him, then she accused him of rape but withdrew her charges. But he was still struck off, and I just wonder, what happened to the psycho brigade that threw Ean into the water, did any of them get struck off ?????