Thursday, September 9, 2010

Peter White, psychiatrist - entirely flawed

By: D.P. Sampson, BSc (Hons), MSc, MBPsychS:


This paper presents a close analysis of a large published cohort trial into predictors (risk factors) for developing a fatigue syndrome or mood disorder following either infectious mononucleosis or an upper respiratory tract infection - White et al.

This analysis and the original data in the White et al. paper strongly calls into question the validity of broad based definitions of ME/CFS, such as the Oxford (and to lesser extent CDC) criteria. This is in large part due to the clear inclusion within such criteria of significant numbers of patients with primarily mood disorder/psychiatric illness in addition to those with ME/CFS.

The data do not support many of their conclusions.

Furthermore, material additions to the data set are made for reasons that are inadequately explained and in a way that may dilute the extent of the above bias created by choice of ME/CFS definition.


Anonymous said...

An underlying detectable abnormality" in
our immune systems:

L.A. Times A closer look at chronic fatigue syndrome and mononucleosis in teens

"Teenagers with chronic fatigue syndrome may push themselves too hard,
which contributes to ongoing fatigue, claim the authors of a new

Researchers followed 301 adolescents with mononucleosis, which often
precedes chronic fatigue syndrome in teens. They diagnosed 39 teens
with chronic fatigue syndrome six months after the mononucleosis
diagnosis. That group of adolescents was compared with 39 of the
youths who had mononucleosis but who had recovered fully after six
months. The two groups were followed for two more years. At the
conclusion of the study, the researchers found no differences between
the two groups in the amount of physical activity before, during or
after the infection. However, the kids with chronic fatigue syndrome
slept much more during the day and had much more fatigue, suggesting
they paid a higher price for pushing themselves to stay active and
keep up with their peers.

The study, published Monday in the Archives of Child & Adolescent
Medicine, was accompanied by several other studies on chronic fatigue
syndrome in teens, a mysterious and controversial disorder estimated
to affect 1.3% to 4.4% of U.S. adolescents.

In another paper, scientists suggested the importance of understanding
the disorder and providing effective treatment. A study of 54
adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome showed that about half
recovered after two years while the rest were still severely fatigued
and physically impaired.

Finally, a third study compared 25 children with chronic fatigue
syndrome with 23 healthy kids and found several differences in blood
tests between the two groups. The kids with chronic fatigue syndrome
had differences in their white blood cells as well as higher levels of
cholesterol and C-reactive protein, both markers for oxidative stress,
which damages cells. They also had lower levels of antioxidant
vitamins C and E, which helps protect cells from stress."

The findings are evidence of "an underlying detectable abnormality" in
the immune systems of people with CFS, the authors said. The finding
is intriguing in light of a meeting this week at the National
Institutes of Health that is exploring the link between the xenotropic
murine leukemia virus (XMLV) and chronic fatigue syndrome.

-- Shari Roan / Los Angeles Times,0,6362875.story?track=rss

Anonymous said...

Ryan, the child abused by social services, has tested positive for xmrv.


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