Friday, October 5, 2012

Thanks to Max Pemberton for highlighting significant neuroanatomical brain changes in ME/CFS which proves yet again that ME/CFS is a physical disease

Max Pemberton wrote: “These ME sufferers pointed out that brain scans have shown possible neurological changes as evidence that their illness wasn’t psychological, completely failing to understand that such scans show significant changes in every psychiatric disease, too.”

So I asked him over a week ago the following question via twitter:

@MaxPemberton "brain scans show significant changes in every psychiatric disease, too"
Which psychiatric diseases Dr Max ?

As he hasn't answered I will answer the question myself.

As he is talking about all psychiatric diseases, I can choose any psychiatric disease I like.

So I will choose the following four:
Depression, burnout, hysteria and exercise phobia.

If a brain scan is abnormal in hysteria, then the diagnosis is wrong, and we call it MS.

If a brain scan is abnormal in depression, burnout or exercise phobia then either the diagnosis is wrong or these people have a physical disease as well as a psychiatric one.

So thanks again to Max Pemberton for highlighting significant neuroanatomical brain changes in ME/CFS which proves yet again that ME/CFS is a physical disease.

MRI study: significant neuroanatomical brain changes in ME/CFS, which proves yet again that ME/CFS is a physical disease


Anonymous said...

I think Max is possibly either being ignorant or disingenuous as the neurological scans which have come back positive in ME/CFS studies are MRI, SPECT and PET scans whereas the 'neurological' scans which are used in psychiatric illnesses are fMRI scans. The problem is that fMRI scans are notorious for being almost a psuedoscience due to the amount of fiddling that is needed during the collection of data and/or interpretation of the results in order to get supposedly 'usable' data from fMRI. It's basically like reading auras or something. This is why fMRI is such a hot topic in the psychiatric community- it basically provides a source for supposedly 'objective' psychobabble! Google 'fMRI psuedoscience' or 'fMRI dead salmon' for more info.

Anonymous said...

@HurstAKA Stand Up Comic until I got #cfs/me. Now a Lie Down Comic
has done a great post on Max very funny, well worth a read
see link here

@TelegraphBlogs cruel obsession with smearing ME patients


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