Source: InvestInME
"Providing a voice for those severely affected with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
The name 'Lost Voices’ refers both to the fact that people who are severely ill with ME are generally not in a position to make themselves heard, and also to the way that the prejudiced denial of ME - as an ‘aberrant belief’ rather than a devastating physical illness – has meant that often others are incapable of actually hearing and seeing what is being said and shown - our voices drop into a void.
Art has the power to move people, and combined with documentation 'Lost Voices’ brings the situation more vividly to life.
'Lost Voices’ is primarily written by people affected by severe ME- whether as sufferers, carers or families - those very severely affected – house-bound or bed-bound - are represented.
The book is a high-quality, A4 landscape size with a laminated card cover with pictures, mostly in colour.
We have also incorporated a section of informative material on ME written by experts such Mrs Annette Whittemore (of the Whittemore Peterson Institute), Dr Leonard Jason, Dr John Chia and Dr Vance Spence, and also contributions from other charities.
Please use the order form to order Lost Voices:
• £8 for UK customers
• £9 for European customers
• £11 for outside Europe "

1 comment:
thank you, I have ordered mine.
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