Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dr Martin Scurr: I was wrong, ME is real

Dr Martin Scurr: "I admit it, I was wrong. For many years, I - like many of my medical colleagues - have blamed ME on psychological or behavioural causes.

Then, last month, I attended the 5th World Conference on ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome).


At the conference, a number of plausible ideas were advanced for the condition, including one from Professor Brigitte Huber, an immunologist from Boston. She explained that 8 per cent of all the DNANA in our bodies is basically a form of infection - it's become incorporated into the genetic code of our cells.

This infection 'gene' gets switched on whenever you catch a common viral illness - such as glandular fever or herpes simplex (the type that gives you cold sores). T his triggers the immune system to pour out vast quantities of chemicals which cause widespread effects such as muscle pain and exhaustion.

In most patients, this reaction stops after a week or two as they recover - the immune system puts the infection gene back to bed.

But in a small number of people this doesn't happen, so the immune cells continue to be activated, causing grief, and the illness becomes ME/CFS.

Knowing why this happens still needs to be explored. But it is an exciting time and some solace to those who have this awful illness and have never been believed. "


Anonymous said...

one down, the rest of the UK medical profession to go........

Anonymous said...

Not exciting times for those who like me have had the contempt of the medical profession to endure for decades in addition to severe M.E., & continue to do so!

great blog here Dr Speedy (second only to your own in greatness):


A transatlantic battle rages over the role of a
newly discovered retrovirus in patients
with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dr Speedy said...

Thanks for the compliments!!!


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