Sunday, April 24, 2011

An invariable feature of ME/CFS is that exercise makes it worse
by Dr. Sarah Myhill, MD, March 2, 2011:

Rest and Pacing – Drive your car kindly! It lasts much longer!

“Thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy, but thine own best friend.”

Rest is the single most important factor in allowing chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers (CFSs) to get better. An invariable feature of the history is that exercise (mental, physical or emotional) makes the symptoms worse.

Indeed this distinguishes CFS from depression -

• Exercise tends to improve people who are simply depressed.

• In CFS the desire is there but the performance lacking.

However, all CFSs tend to push themselves to their particular limit every day and therefore do not give themselves a chance to get better. This means they have one day doing as much as possible, then three days to recover. Read more>>

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