Friday, April 22, 2011

Obama on ME/CFS: We've got to use science to make lives better

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CNN White House Producer Jamie Crawford:

Reno, Nevada (CNN) – President Obama invoked his Christian faith Thursday, to explain his understanding of scientific advancements, at a town hall meeting in Reno, Nevada.

“I am a Christian and a person of faith and I believe that God gave us brains to figure things out,” Obama said when asked by a woman in the audience what his health policies could do to assist her husband who is suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Obama touted a provision in the Recovery Act that funds the National Institutes of Health to deal with such ailments. “We've got to use science to make lives better for our families and our communities and this planet,” Obama said.

While he acknowledged he did not know much about her husband’s disease, Obama promised “I will do when I get back is I will have the National Institute of Health explain to me what they're currently doing and start seeing if they can do more on this particular ailment.” Read more>>

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