How can I be sure that this CBT therapy is based on scientific evidence?
Dear Mr Science Editor, please have a look at the following link:
and go to page 6, and not only have a look at the picture of the psychiatrist and his patient, but also READ the following text:
OK, there is a clear biologic basis for ME/ CFS. But didn’t you enjoy our wonderful psychotherapeutic afternoons in the last 4 years?
If you would have done so before your editorial, you would have been able to ask the professor from the CBT KINGDOM some critical questions. Do you know who made these cartoons about ME??
Dr Hans-Michael Sobetzko.
He works at the psychiatric department of a German hospital!!!
He works at the psychiatric department of a German hospital!!!
He also has his own website about ME!!!
Dear Dr., Thank you for coming over to my blog. Interesting that you picked up on my comments to people who are ignorant about ME. Interesting too that you've recently posted about the NICE guidelines.
At present I'm in Insurance hell with my Critical Illnes company insisting I see psychiatrist re. a claim.
Oh Joy !
Dear cusp,
I would read your critical illness policy but I know from others that insurances can make life difficult. As you know the prof from the CBT KINGDOM is their advisor!!!!
I saw a comment I think on http://www.investinme.org/index.html but I can't find it today, that according to the NHS ME guidelines the occ health drs can prevent people from taking ill health retirement if they haven't done CBT/GET; and if they have done it and it failed it is their fault; so they still won't get it.
If I can be off help, please let me know.
All the best,
Dr Speedy.
Dr Speedy - was it here? - http://www.investinme.org/Article-075%20Margaret%20Williams%20Redefining%20CBT.htm
great blog BTW, it should be on the BritMeds.
Thx for your comments anonymous.
and thx for pointing me in the direction of this interesting article on investinme, I haven't seen that one before. No, i was referring to a comment by someone on their site about the difficulty with ME to get ill health retirement if needed.
Apart from reading the policy, i would also have the guideline for psychiatrists by Dr Stein ready for the psychiatrist. I'll put the link on my BLOG as soon as I have some time. Also read my BLOG called Secondairy Gains, has some interesting info for insurance companies and so at the end of it.
I'll have a look at BritMeds, new to me as well. So thanks again.
Dr Speedy.
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