Monday, September 10, 2007

Who said cars can't get ME?

Here you see a nice example of a car with ME.

This car will find it difficult to walk or to do anything. The next car though is up and about. Ready to go. And fast as an athlete. The car with ME used to be in similar shape and condition. But life has dealt him a different ticket. Some people will tell you, just some therapy with a lot of talking will get him in shape again. Some will say these cars with ME are afraid to drive, where others will say they have the false believe there is something wrong with them. And if you have a nice chat all will be well again. The patients have a different idea, but no one tends to listen to them. As a patient, you have not only lost many other things, but according to some your intellect has disappeared down the drain as well. Interesting phenomenon, another interesting phenomenon, is the so called wheelchair phenomenon. If you ask a question, they won't answer you, but the one who is pushing your chair or is sitting next to you.

Now if you look at the next car, this one has been silly, it can still drive and go fast, as fast as you like on the German autobahn, as that is where this car, an Apollo, was born. It has an Audi engine and just like people in Germany, it can't get ME. That is, if you believe the doctors who say, if we can't measure it, it isn't there. The interesting thing is, we have been saying this for centuries and everytime we invent new things. Really strange. We now know for example that TBC, or TB, whatever you want to call it, tuberculosis that is, is not caused by bad air or whatever funny thing doctors used to say.

But enjoy this healthy car, as you won't see many around. It is an endangered species. It is so fast and expensive, that I haven't seen one yet. Or do you think this has anything to do with the fact that I'm bed bound? You might be right.

So have a good day. And stay healthy.

Dr Speedy.


Help ME Circle said...

Dear Dr. Speedy,


Jan van Roijen

Dr Speedy said...

Dear Janne00,

Thanks for your comment and link.

Dr Speedy.


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