When our brain is not working, even a simple picture like this can be WAY TOO MUCH. Unbelievable, and if you haven't been there you think this is crazy. But what is actually crazy is that we try to CBT it back to normal. Instead of trying to find the cause and a CURE.
If you by the way think that only people with ME have a problem with their doctors, you might be very wrong indeed.
A recent study in the BJGP, the British Journal for GP's has shown that it takes an average of FIVE years with many tests etc before the average person with Coeliac, or is it Celiac, disease goes from a malingerer to a patient with a disease. FIVE years. Amazing. And that in a time where we CLAIM that we KNOW it All.
Even more so if you know that for this bowel disease there is ACTUALLY a diagnostic BLOOD test. You would only need to confirm this with an endoscopy, that is looking in the bowel with a flexible telescope and taking a small biopsy to check it out under the microscope. And how common is this disease? One in 300 to one in 1500 people apparently has it. The treatment is a gluten free diet and the problems go away.
So how long does it take doctors to get it right with a disease for which there is a test? FIVE years
and they can measure it all.....
Yeah, great don't you think???
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