Sunday, May 17, 2009

Snow scary ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Walking in the Air
(Offwhite the low man's song)

We're working in the CFS clinic
We're pushing GET & CBT
The people with ME are suffering as we lie

I'm holding ME funding tight
I'm stopping any biomedical funding
I'm finding I can pretend there's nothing physically wrong with you

Far across the UK
ME sufferers despair of me
The greed and the lies
Working for insurance companies and the DWP

ME sufferers have a neurological illness
Destroying their lives
Nobody believes them because of our lies

We're making money from the ME clinics
We're using ME as our milch cow
We're not giving a damn
for ME sufferers who die

Suddenly swooping low on an MRC grant
Wasting taxpayers money on useless outdated psychobabble

We're working in the CFS clinic
We're pushing GET and CBT
And ME sufferers who do them become worse as we lie


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